Tutorial 4: Deploying Your Code as a Package
Packing Your Code
In this tutorial, you’ve learned how to package your code and publish it to an OpenIAP instance for deployment as an agent.
Creating and Publishing a Package to an OpenIAP Instance
- Organization : You’ve organized your code and ensured it’s ready for packaging.
- Package Configuration : You’ve created a package.json file to specify metadata about your package.
- Pack and Publish Package : In order to pack and publish package to OpenFlow instance you need to type in search bar: ’>Pack and publish to openiap intance’ and click enter.
You’ve utilized the packaging tool provided by OpenIAP Assistant to bundle your code and its dependencies into a distributable format.
After creating your package, you’ve successfully published it to an OpenIAP instance for distribution and deployment.
Verification : To verify that the package is available for deployment on the OpenFlow instance follow steps:
- Open ’OpenFlow’ instance.
- Navigate to ’Agents’ page.
- Click on the ’Packages’ button.
- Here you can verify if your package with the name you gave to it exist in the list. To check the package name open ’package.json’ file and check the value for ’name:’
"name": "Your_package_name",
Congratulations on mastering the process of packaging and deploying your code as an agent using OpenFlow Agents! In the next tutorial, we’ll explore how to run packages as agents locally.