Select option using combobox

Hi everyone, I am new in RPA and have been doing R&D currently. I have been exploring OpenRPA for the last few days but got stuck on some functionality. I try to select a value from the dropdown combobox which not working. I try from other website like W3Schools also not working. Below is how I have been testing it for reference.

I do refer from the other topic that is similar to this one:
Selecting options from a combo box - OpenRPA - OpenIAP

Hope anyone can help me on this issue. Much thanks

Item.value uses the select option value
item.text uses the select option text

Try using item.text instead.
Else set a breakpoint using F9 and then check the values of the children property. ( you need to add more than one activity inside the select, so ot has a sequence, or the debugger cannot see the item element,)

It is a pleasure to get a reply directly from you. I’ve been watching the video you and Anders made for OpenRPA. On this issue, for some reason, item.text does not appear in my OpenRPA for this element, or do I need to install/enable any plugin?

In the meanwhile, I will also try with the second option and see if it’s working.

This is the screenshot of option that I have for item. Item.text does not appear as one of the selections:

Ah, sorry. I missed you where using windows het element, i just assumed it was chrome.
Hmm, then its weird. It is case sensetive, and i see volve is using capital V maybe Saab should be with capital S ? If not then, please try using the variable inspector doing debugging, just remember to ensure assign is isnside a sequence inside the body of get element before you place the breakpoint on the assign.

I’m not sure if what I’m doing is right, but when I click to expand the properties, I just saw the Value and SendKeys static without changing the value. Also do tell me if the flow is wrong that I put the breakpoint.

That is perfect.
So did using Saab fix it?

Unfortunately, still the same, the value in the dropdown still shows as Volvo.

wait … I just saw, you are working with W3school’s webpage.

Are you trying to automate a browser using windows components ?
that will not work !

windows activities are for winform/wpf applications, to automate browsers you need to make sure you have the chrome extension installed (links under settings tab in openrpa ) and use the NM activities

yes, both my edge and chrome browser have the extension installed and have been using record to get the element so far.

So instead of using the record, I just tried using the get element from the NM activities, but it did not work because it’s in the iframe and cannot get the select element i think.

I tried it again, but this time select it from the open selector with the Get Element in NM activities, and it finally works!

The element highlight is a bit off from the location of select dropdown, but the value finally changes. Also, the value needs to use “saab” instead of “Saab” because if not, it will show as empty. Thank you so much for the help, will be exploring more on the other tools available so could understand it better.

Glad you found a solution.
Just a quick heads up. Iframas are not supported ( mainly due to openrpa not being able to find elements exact location, so highlight and non-virtual click will not work )

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