Nodered Start Issue from Old Nodered


We run openflow on our server and recently I have upgraded openflow to new version 1.5.3. When I try to start my old nodered instance (following your documentation) I get the above error in nodered. Could you please assist me here?


Should have been fixed last night, if you do a docker compose pull
( for instance )

Hi @Allan_Zimmermann ,

I just did a docker compose pull again. Still I am getting the same error

Sigh, i have had MASSIVE problems with kubernetes not pulling updated images too.
Ill bump openflow a version up to fix it … wil post here when ready

Thanks, @Allan_Zimmermann,

Any suggestion to overcome this issue in the interim. I’ve configured few nodered flows to run on a daily basis. Is there a way to execute those. I should have tested this in testing environment, sorry about it.

Thanks for your support

I always try and keep all updates separated using version tags.
So each version is published with it’s version as tag.
:latest has the latest “closed” version, and :edge has the version I’m still working on
and so one

So the :edge version i normally make many many updates to, before moving it to :latest so :latest should never get updates ( but this time i had to, since it had the bug you just experienced )
But the last week i have had MASSIVE problems with docker/kubernetes not downloading updates images so might need to change that strategy, or add build numbers to the version … not sure …

So if you always use a specific version in the docker file and agent_images you are in control … if you just want the latest working version ( unless i make a mistake as i did yesterday ) use :latest … if you want to see what I’m working on use :edge

Anyway … I have uploaded and targeted :1.5.4 as latest for openflow … this should have the fix for the issue in 1.5.3
So if you do a pull again, it should work ( else set it image to
openiap/openflow:1.5.4 )

I’ve upgraded as mentioned. Now I get a different error. My docker-compose.yaml file has following settings. However, I am not sure where is this invalid url is sitting.

  - agent_oidc_userinfo_endpoint=http://api:3000/oidc/me
  - agent_oidc_issuer=https://mydomain/oidc
  - agent_oidc_authorization_endpoint=https://mydomain/oidc/auth
  - agent_oidc_token_endpoint=http://api:3000/oidc/token
  - agent_docker_entrypoints=web,websecure
  - agent_docker_certresolver=myresolver

Did you set proxy settings anywhere ?
( HTTP_ something here )
or create a _type: “npmrc” entry in the nodered collection?
or are you using a custom nodered package inside an agent instead of my openiap/nodered image ?

I just re-validated, everything works just fine, if i start a fresh openflow database using from here.

I really don’t get why you are seeing this, but It’s also saying undefined, so should really be ignoring those. ( right now i only check for empty string )

I have updated the nodered code to ignore both empty string and undefined
I will upload a new docker image later today ( i need to complete to updates to the agent first )

Thanks, @Allan_Zimmermann. I will try with the latest version.

I have just pushed a new release of openflow and a new version of all agent and nodered images that should once and for all fix this…
( openflow nodeagent 0.0.90 nodered 1.5.2 )

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