I don't see de Nodered Option in OpenFlow Menu

Hi Allan,
I try to open Nodered from OpenFlow menu, however, i don’t see de option, I watch de video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zy04eSDy3RI&list=PLXXz88_TPiHqvKY1aGsfKL8JImbHjLfMi&index=3 and make the steps, the menu that you see is with Nodered, but, the menu that I see not have the option.

It’s Agents the same Nodered?

I need Nodered for service automation.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @HernandoRojas

“With OpenFlow 1.5, Node-RED no longer has its own menu item. Instead, you can start a Node-RED instance from the Agent’s menu item.”

Everything you need to know is explained here by @Allan_Zimmermann:

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Hi kowts!
Does it also works with localhost? Or It’s necessary to install any package or dependency?

If you just need nodered, you can install and run that without openflow.

But if you need to talk to openflow, or need added securiry, version control and other features added by openflow version, then yes.

You can locally either install openflow and start one or more agents prebundled with nodered using docker.

Or, you can install an agentservice or run an assistent connected to an remote openflow ( like mine at https://app.openiap.io/ ). And from that openflow deploy an nodered package to the agent. ( as described here or shown in this video )

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