How to download and save a file from a webpage?

Hello Allan,

I am working on a use case that involves downloading a file from a website and saving it to a specific folder or database. Can you please guide me on how to achieve this using OpenRPA?

I am attempting to download resumes from candidate profiles, as shown in the attached image.

You use “Wait For Download”
and place the logic that “triggers” a download from in there ( normaly click a download link/button )
This tell chrome to replace the normal download maanger with openrpa’s, that will not prompt for a filename and just use chromes auto generate name feature.
and once the file has completed downloading the workflow continues and you have the filename in the event property from wait for download
If you want to save that inside openflow, then you can use “save file” under openflowdb to store it in gridfs inside the openflow database
or use System.IO.File to move/copy the file somewhere

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