Exporting robot does not contain open rpa invoke code activity as shown in the image below

Invoke Code activity shows an error after export. @Allan_Zimmermann

Most likely the machine you’re looking at right now does not have OpenRPA.Script installed.

Alternatively, if it’s the same machine, there’s a serialization error somewhere there.

Agree, this looks like a missing activity.
“invoke code” is part of “scripting” … this was turned off by default in the latest build, since so many people are having issues with the Python runtime on Windows 11.
Just run the openrpa.msi again, and choose to install “scripting” (not sure the exact name, but something with script)

Where will i find the option to install scripting ?

by running the installer again ( openrpa.msi )

Warm regards. @Allan_Zimmermann @AndrewK

If you’ll find yourself having the python conflict mentioned above, check this:

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