How to use OpenRPA.Script without Python (bandaid for Python conflict)


Since some users have a Python conflict in newer versions with Python, the temporary workaround is to not install OpenRPA.Script at all.
The downside of that is you lose all InvokeCode, not only scripting with Python (so VB, C#, PowerShell etc. invokes stop working as well).
Therefore, please find below a branch with Python stripped out.

You can build it yourself, or you can use the built .nupkg as a dependency in your projects, or you can extract the .dll from it and put it into extensions or directly into the installation folder.

This has been tested, but not super extensively, since it is expected to just be a temporary workaround to be able to use newer OpenRPA versions even if you have the Python conflict.

Please do note that Python still shows up as an option in the code editor, but selecting it will produce instabilities (so just pretend it’s not there :wink: as I said, it’s just a temporary bandaid).

PS. This is a strictly “AS-IS, use at your own risk/discretion” thing, so test on your end before using in anything production related.

PPS. For avoidance of doubt, this is independent from OpenIAP, so don’t blame them if something breaks or expect support when using this.


Thank you ! This will hopefully help those struggling with this until we can make a permanent separation of python from invoke code.

We needed it, so why not share? :wink: this literally popped up 2h ago (and fortunately not in Citrix :smiley: ).
Unofficial bandaids have a major advantage here - I don’t need to make sure it works super nicely in all scenarios and is fully backwards compatible etc. So this was literally “oh, we have this issue…” and start deleting python related dependencies, then just follow the compiler to strip out all the now broken execution code, and test if invokes in other languages + editor still works.

And I get it, stripping something out of an existing package to a new one is always painful to not introduce a break and push people into manual process updating. It takes time to do properly, assuming it’s even possible (and if not, it needs to be communicated etc. that a breaking change is coming).

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