You are currently using more than the 25mb allowed

Hi All,

Please help, how do I fill this out?

Not sure how and where to get the key.

Massive thanks,

New information just showed up underneath those in the image … letting me choose plans…

Question, anyway to run OpenRPA without OpenFlow?

Is this safe? I just indicated metered for the Database, and supplied my credit card details?

So I will only billed for the database feature?

Massive thanks,

you can buy a fixed amount of storage, and pay that every month, and if you go above, you will be locked again
you can buy “metered” then openflow will track you usage over the month, and at the end of the month you pay for the max used amount ( divided into the blocks of 25MB )

Yes, you can run openrpa without openflow, in “offline” mode.

You can also run openflow yourself, then there are no storage limits. that limit is only on my deployment, since running the servers cost money.

Yes, storage is billed monthly.


If you click grafana in the menu, you can see what your storage is used on.
It’s in “openrpa_hist”, the version history for your OpenRPA workflows.

There is no way to delete that using the UI, it can only be done “directly” in the database. ( audit is there for security and traceability )
If you run your own openflow, you can disable version history on the openrpa collection, but I will not do it for my own public openflow


Thanks for these clarifications … let’s see if it will be affordable after a month I’ll continue to subscribe :slight_smile:

Noted on these … massive thanks :slight_smile:

on the last picture (the customer page) go back there,
after you added credit card information you will get a “next invoice” button, this will show the expected next invoice ( 3 DDK right now )

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