The directions on how to find manually your projects and workflows is not clear.
I am not able to locate them.
Also, directions on putting it back online are not clear. What is the sequence of re-adding the website link, copying a folder, and from where to import workflows from? I am not able to locate the workflows in the OpenRPA folder in document.
workflows, detectors, projects, workitem queue, workflow instances and so on, are stored in the litedb file inside my documents
if you want to inspect it, you can use LiteDB Studio
openrpa makes/uses a litedb file that matches the domain name of the openiap instance you are connected too, and use “offline” as filename when not connected to one.
so you can swap between instances and/or offline as much as you want without having to re-download all data.
If you prefer having data as raw files, there is an experimental feature you can use by “flipping” the two storage provider settings in settings.json.
import/export has been talked about in multiple threads, you should search the forum for those for more insights, but generally you select either a project or a workflow and press export, and then save it, then you can export that from a different OpenRPA install ( or the same if you are swapping between instances )
thanks, I ended up figuring it out but had to think about it and try random things.
It was not easy to understand from the directions given in the link I posted above.
You may want to add the line “export your work in offline mode, and import it back when you switch to online”.
That is all you have to do, export your work in any mode and import it back in once switched.