Using InvokeCode for python code

OpenRPA uses python embedded, it allows for complete control over the python runtime, that is needed to map variables in/out of python. Therefor it cannot see packages you installed in your “own” python. So you need to use the pip install activity or run pip install from C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\python-3.7.3-embed-amd64

The draw back is, the only python 3.7 is suppurted. If you have a supported version of python 3.7 in your PATH you can go to settings → recorder plugins → Scripting and tell it to not used the embedded version, but the one in path. The embedded version does not have th TK liberaries so any python liberares that rely in GUI will not work, using your locally installed will fix that but then you MUST use a supported version of python 3.7