Use the OpenRPA module of PowerShell to import workflows

Hello, may I ask how to use the OpenRPA module of PowerShell to import workflows


Before you can import, you need to know how to export.
You can export workflows with something like this:

You need to use Export-OpenRPAWorkflow to ensure all images get embedded into the activities. This way, when you open the workflow in OpenRPA, it can extract and save it as a file inside OpenFlow again.


So once you have your workflows, you can loop over the JSON files and import them using Set-Entity.

UNTESTED I don’t have something to test on right now, so I asked ChatGPT to write something, and at a glance, this looks correct to me.

# Set the path where the exported workflows are stored
$exportedWorkflowsPath = "C:\Path\To\ExportedWorkflows"

# Loop through each project folder
foreach ($projectFolder in Get-ChildItem -Path $exportedWorkflowsPath -Directory) {
    $projectName = $projectFolder.Name

    # Optionally, find the matching project entity or create one if it doesn't exist
    $projectEntity = Get-Entity -Collection openrpa -Query "{`"_type`":`"project`", `"name`":`"$projectName`"}"
    if (-not $projectEntity) {
        Write-Host "Project '$projectName' does not exist, creating it..."
        $projectEntity = @{
            _type = "project"
            name = $projectName
        } | Set-Entity -Collection openrpa

    # Get the project ID
    $projectId = $projectEntity._id

    # Loop through each workflow file in the project folder
    foreach ($workflowFile in Get-ChildItem -Path $projectFolder.FullName -Filter "*.json") {
        # Read the workflow content
        $workflowContent = Get-Content -Path $workflowFile.FullName -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

        # Update the project ID and type in the workflow content
        $workflowContent._type = "workflow"
        $workflowContent.projectid = $projectId

        # Import the workflow using Set-Entity
        $workflowContent | Set-Entity -Collection openrpa -Force

        Write-Host "Imported workflow: $($ into project: $projectName"
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