Unexpected Restart of Flows in OpenRPA Despite Configured Settings

Hi !
My OpenRPA is unexpectedly restarting flows that were in progress before shutdown, even though I’ve set skip_online_check and disable_instance_store to true. Is this normal behavior, or am I missing something?

I have a state machine unstacking a queue and when I shut down the program and restart OpenRPA, my state machine restarts by itself. I don’t want this to happen.


This should completly disable the check for state and trying to start them. So yes, that is a bug if that is happening

Hi Allan,
Thanks for your response
I think I’ve got it. I’m using a queue item that was linked to a workflow, so if I understand correctly, this automatically triggers the workflow to handle the item.

If you select a robot and rpa workflow on the workitem queue, then yes, then openflow will try and trigger the workflow every 60 second, there are items ready to be proccessed

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