Unable to log into OpenCore


For some reason, we are having trouble logging into the OpenCore/Openflow instance. If you try a dozen times, it may eventually let you in.

Not sure how to go about troubleshooting this. I don’t see anything about failed login attempts in the OpenCore container logs.

For additional information, I tried creating a new user when on the login screen for OpenCore and that seems to work fine. I can even log out and then log back into the newly created account. I just can’t log into any of the existing accounts.

Is it self hosted? I assume it is, when you say you can see the container logs.
Then make sure you did not change the aes_secret …

Also, you might want to enable the mongoexpress to make sure the database is still intakt.
You can see an example on how to add that, in this old version at line 40

Thank you Allan.

I didn’t change the aes_secret and it does look like the mongo database is still in tact. OpenCore and nodered both function as normal but the login just sometimes won’t work for whatever reason.

Another of my colleagues was able to finally get in. We manually reset the password on the accounts we weren’t able to get into and can now log in successfully. If this happens again, is there any particular log we should look at to troubleshoot invalid login attempts?

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