Trycash exception

Hello OpenRPA community,

I’m experiencing a small issue while trying to analyze an error within a try-catch block. When something fails, an email is sent with the “exception.ToString” variable. Recently, one of these errors returned the following message:

“System.ArgumentException: Failed locating workflow Automatizacion KTC MF/Principal 3 at OpenRPA.Activities.InvokeOpenRPA.Execute(NativeActivityContext context) at System.Activities.NativeActivity.InternalExecute(ActivityInstance instance, ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager) at System.Activities.Runtime.ActivityExecutor.ExecuteActivityWorkItem.ExecuteBody(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager, Location resultLocation)”

The issue is that I’m unsure where exactly the failure occurred. I’ve seen some mentions of using “exception.source,” but when I try this, the result only shows “OpenRPA.NM.”

Any guidance would be appreciated!

Hmm, that is indeed odd.
The error is from code inside OpenRPA looking for a workflow to run.
I’m unsure if this is from the actual attempt to run the workflow with invoking OpenRPA, or when the caller is “resumed” after the workflow has completed, but I think it’s from the initial run.
Did you by any chance “update” the workflow you are trying to execute while this workflow was running? Did OpenRPA lose internet connection while this happened?

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