Several issues inclusing bad installation maybe

I had difficulty installing, took several tries.
Now, the program runs but locks up all the time. It freezes a lot when I try selecting web elements.

I think the installation is not right. I have windows 11, and a fairly decent laptop.

I tried running the example from the video for scraping, and when I try creating the variable name = intem.Text it fails saying name is not declared. I hit control+K and nothing happens.

Hi, have you installed openrpa chrome extension?


It stalls a lot, it locks up all the time, the screen highlights barely works and is in the wrong place when it does.

I have a lot of error messages popping up all the time.

I installed the chrome extension, edge extension, Firefox extension.

It disconnects a lot from the browser and has to be reconnected.

One minute I get it to do somewhere and the following minute it doesn’t work, the same action.

This sounds like a machine that is struggling to keep up, more than an OpenRPA specific issue.

Try running perfmon, and add monitor for
PhysicalDisk: Avg. Disk Queue Length and PhysicalDisk: Current Disk Queue Length for you you systems drive and add Processor: % Processor Time and Processor: % User Time
then record a click somewhere and go back check the values
is disk queue length above 0.2 ? is CPU at 100% ?
If yes, then maybe OpenRPA or your machine in general needs more resources.

I’m running the perfmon now.

The initial install broke my computer so I had to reinstall Windows11. After this install many things stopped working and windows started hanging too.

I reinstalled Windows 11. This program is still buggy after the reinstall, the highlight for select element is always in the wrong place for one.

My avg disk que lengths is around 0.004
My current disk cue length is around same low number.

Processor time and user time are all below 2.

My computer is not being utilized very much. Yet it hangs up and does weird things.

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