Sequence | Queue | Processing | Timeout error while triggering the RPA Workflow

I triggered the bot, and it is running on parallel machines. For example, each bot job opened Google Chrome using the “Open Browser” activity and replicated the same task five times, running with parallel processing. While it was running, I didn’t have the patience to wait for it to complete, so I triggered it repeatedly. In total, I wanted to run it three times in the queue.

Here’s what happened:

  • The first time I triggered it, it ran successfully.
  • The second time, it started and ran simultaneously with the first instance without waiting for the first one to complete.
  • The third instance failed, and the fourth one also failed.

So, the first two instances ran simultaneously, but the other two failed. How can I resolve this issue? I want the bot to run in a queue, even if I trigger it four times.

This issue seems partially related to the Timeout error while triggering the RPA Workflow as discussed here, but I did not get the expected answer there. Could you please provide a more detailed solution?

Can you tell me on how many machines you are running it parallelly?

I am running the bot on one machine, and I triggered two bot instances (Bot 1 and Bot 2) to run. However, I want them to run in a queue, not simultaneously on the same machine. The goal is for each instance to wait for the previous one to complete before starting. I need advice on this…

how you are triggering bot?? My assumption is when you run bot multiple times the previous bot execution is not completed yet it was running it due to which you are getting timeout error for last two execution because it will not wait for other execution to completed like other RPA tool it will try to run the execution at soon as you trigger bot and at that bot is already running to complete previous execution and bot was not available and it throw timeout error

  • If you press play inside the robot, you can run as many workflows as you want at the same time; there is no check.
    If you trigger a workflow remotely, by default, OpenRPA will only allow one workflow to run at any given time.
    You can change this by setting the workflow to a background workflow or by editing settings.json to allow more than one workflow to run at the same time.
  • Triggering a robot from the opencore webpage or using the robot node inside NodeRED or using Remote Invoke OpenRPA will send a message using the message queue. This has a low timeout, so you cannot queue up multiple workflows. This is meant for adhoc runs, not transactional calls or queued calls. For that, you need to use a Workitem queue.
    Workitems · open-rpa/openrpa Wiki · GitHub

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