Robot to execute workflow file from online document

Hi there,

I have a big challenge for automating a test-script for a software product. The test-script is to be repeated frequently whenever a new software version is about to be released, so a perfect case for robotic processing. The test-script itself is a table on a Confluence page (= online document).
The test comprises several click-actions and to verify that things become visible, etc.
Instead of having a giant workflow which does all the checks from top to bottom (and will likely crash somewhere in between), my idea was to have an OpenRPA robot opening the script, going through the table row by row, and calling separate OpenRPA workflow files which are saved inside the test script for every check item.
If a “sub-robot” fails or crashes, the “main-robot” is supposed to take over again and tick a checkbox in the test-script for this particular test accordingly.

My intention is to use OpenRPA exclusively (currently v1.3.61 in Offline mode).
(Would a newer OpenRPA version bring any benefits?)

Provided that you find this strategy generally viable, my question is how can I call a workflow from OpenRPA with the workflow file being saved in the online document?
With “Invoke OpenRPA” I can only run workflows in my default save path…

That sounds very doable, maybe with a few modifications…

Firstly, you could tackle crashing subflows by protecting them with try/except clauses.

You say you run OpenRPA in offline mode. Do you mean it is not connected to an openflow instance?
If it is connected, I would strongly recommend using workitems to run the individual tests.

Workitems are separate from each other and can be configured to retry. You will also have results per workitem / confluence table item.
And you can easily take different actions on success and failure per item.

Stand-alone you can’t use all the good things workitems bring. (NB you can run everything on premise and keep all data inside your network environment).

Version 1.3.61 is about 70 updates and 18 months ago. I would definitely try the latest version. There are lots of fixes and other improvements since.

I don’t think I understand your actual question at the end…

Provided that you find this strategy generally viable, my question is how can I call a workflow from OpenRPA with the workflow file being saved in the online document?
With “Invoke OpenRPA” I can only run workflows in my default save path…
I 've really no idea what you mean (That’s probably me, but please elaborate a bit more what problem you face here…)

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Thank you for your reply first of all.
Yes, I run OpenRPA not connected to OpenFlow for IT security concerns. The robot will have to log on to different websites and servers and we don’t want this information being stored somewhere in the cloud (with exception of Confluence apparently).
I was therefore thinking that every check in the confluence page has a json file containing the actual workflow. Since software will generally undergo changes it is very likely that checks also need to change. That’s why it would be nice to store the check-workflow in the very same table in a different column. My question was regarding how to open and execute a saved workflow file as part of a bigger process. I tried the “Invoke Workflow” action from OpenRPA but this action only allows me to select a saved workflow from my default path for saved workflows (on the local hard drive). I would need to open the workflow from the Confluence page.

you can install openflow on premise.

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