Reload / Updated openRPA client databse

Hi, I have a workflow (WA) that runs a loop and invokes the second workflow (WB) in each iteration (in some intervals) which is running on device (DA).
My issue is that when I update the second workflow (WB) (from other device DB) the device DA still runs the previous version of the WB and openRPA client in device DA doesn’t update workflow WB.

I have to manually login to device DA and stop the workflows WA and WB and click “Reload” in the UI and then rerun the workflow WA.

Is there any way to update openRPA client’s db? for example an activity that simulates the UI’s “Reload” button. Or a powershell command that refreshes the DB (I can add these to the WA, so in each loop it updates DB before executing the workflow WB).
Or is there any config to tell openRPA to update local workflow db before executing workflows?

I know when there’s no running workflow the openRPA updates the workflows when they are edited on other device but in my situation when there are some workflows that are running (WA that executes WB in a loop in some intervals) the updated workflow WB in other devices doesn’t get updated in the local db of running device.

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