Release Version Build Error


I’ve made a bunch of progress since my last post. As suggested, I ditched Visual Studio Code and went with building in Visual Studio Community. Currently, I can get the debug version to build. However, when I attempt the release version I’m seeing the following:

  1. Error MSB3073 The command “nuget.exe add bin\Release\net46..\OpenRPA.WorkItems.Activities.1.0.24.nupkg -Source C:\nuget” exited with code 1. OpenRPA.WorkItems.Activities C:\Users\tarthur\source\repos\openrpa\OpenRPA.WorkItems\OpenRPA.WorkItems.Activities.csproj

  2. Error MSB3073 The command “nuget.exe push bin\Release\net46..\OpenRPA.WorkItems.Activities.1.0.24.nupkg -skipDuplicate -Source” exited with code 1. OpenRPA.WorkItems.Activities C:\Users\tarthur\source\repos\openrpa\OpenRPA.WorkItems\OpenRPA.WorkItems.Activities.csproj

I take it both are part of the in the Project.

Any idea what might be tripping this up. I’m worried that this will only be the first instance to appear.


visual studio will ignore that error, it just means you don’t have permission to publish the nugetpacket

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