Can I use OpenRPA to export a workflow into an executable file and then call that file from the command line to run the robot without needing to open the OpenRPA software?, similar to how UIPath can publish a robot into a file and run that file via command line without opening the UIPath software.
AFAIK not directly into an executable file (I don’t think UiPath can do that either?), but you can start workflows via cmd/ps.
You can check some options here:
I know have many ways to can start workflows. But have any ways to can publish workflows (XAML file) into an executable file and run this workflow from this file not need to open OpenRPA software
There is no way to do that in uipath. They did test that about 7 years ago, but quickly dropped it, so uipath needs to be installesd to execute a workflow.
Same for OpenRPA,You can call a workflow from commandline … see Scheduling Robot
To add a bit - I’ve run some tests, and checked the code, and the answer seems to be no - when you start any workflow (even via cmd arguments), OpenRPA will open in full.
While going into comparisons is a bit meh, it is very similar to how UIPath does it, the difference being it starts a uirobot.exe (which is responsible for execution). In OpenRPA, there is no distinction between main app and “robot runner”, hence the whole app opens.
The other difference is that the project needs to be imported to OpenRPA, otherwise it won’t be recognized, unlike in UiPath where you can specify a project, xaml or nupkg to run (even from a full path, so an “unknown” project).
Sidenote → UiPath doesn’t publish to exe either, for a couple of reasons, the main one being that it would need to be (unless you go through serious hoops) an unsigned .exe, which will get blocked from execution. So instead they export .nupkgs, which the uirobot.exe loads and executes.
Theoretically it wouldn’t be that hard to potentially make OpenRPA start minimized to tray when it has cmd args? But I’m still not sure what the goal here would be.
No, since it relies on workflow foundation, which relies on (is part of) .net framework, which is windows only.
If you want to automate on Linux (or Mac), you may want to look into using agents
They’re a different beast than OpenRPA, so the automation strategies are different as well.