OpenRPA - FreeRpd - Unable load libfreerdp-utils

Hello, I am C# a software developer and I have troubles with OpenRPA when try connect to a remote desktop but I think that is for the FreeRDP library

When I use OpenRPA.RdService on a Windows Terminal Server (2016 and 2022) I get a crash error on the line 511 of Program.cs

using (var rdp = new FreeRDP.Core.RDP())

The error is:
System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL ‘libfreerdp-utils’: The specified module could not be found. (Excepción de HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
en FreeRDP.Tcp.freerdp_wsa_startup()
en FreeRDP.Core.RDP…ctor() en D:\github\FreeRDP-Sharp-orig\FreeRDP\Core\RDP.cs:líne 112
en WinRunProcessAsUser.Program.Main(String args) en C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\WinRunProcessAsUser\Program.cs:líne 16

For example, if I load the code on a simple Windows 10 then works fine.

To confirm I wrote a simple program to try connect to remote desktop with similar results (On Windows Terminal Server crash but not in Windows 10).

I have reviewed the binary location and I can confirm that the libraries exists.

Free rdp is a fallback, it should by dedault be using the remote desktop client.
What is the reason you decided to use freerdp instead?

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