OpenRPA and Autohotkey V2 (AHK)

To my delight I saw that in the component “Invoke Code” it is possible to insert autohotkey directly.
That’s really nice. After a bit of fumbling I see that this is Autohotkey Version 1.
Is it possible to somehow upgrade to Version 2?
Exchanging the DLL or something?

I know a lot of people are using this, so it’s important that v2 is backward compatible with version 1 … do you know if that is the case ?

If yes, then I’m open for testing out an upgrade. I’m using GitHub - LucidMethod/sharpAHK: AutoHotkey commands and more in C# / .Net for the integration. It has not been updated for 4 years. If you can wake up the creator, or know of someone who has made an more uptodate package, I’m open for trying to implement it.

I have not seen winterlaite around for a looooong time, not even sure if he’s active any more ?
It depends on ahkdll that also seem a bit stale.

Autohotkey v2 is completely incompatible with v1.
There is not really a possibility of an upgrade.
It is more two different languages, so in the CodeEditor it would rather be VBScript, C#, Python, … Authotkey v1, Autohotkey v2.

Been reading a little on the forum and searching around.
Looks nice with the v2 upgrade.
But i cannot find anyone who made a wrapper fro AutoHotkey_H to dot net 4.x.
Once that exists, I’m happy to try and add it into openrpa.script
I’ll move this this thread to issues/feat requests

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