NodeRed Instance Access to Others

Hi @Allan_Zimmermann, How do I give access to the nodered instance created in my login to others? I tried assigning that other user to “noderedadmins” role, what are the other roles to be given access?


That is how you do it.
The user needs to logout and back in, to refresh role mappings in the json token.

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Hi @Allan_Zimmermann,

I have tried assigning “{myname}noderedadmins” and “nodered users” and “nodered admins” roles to him. Still the other user can’t see the NodeRed menu on the left side of OpenFlow. Not sure what I am missing.

I don’t want to assign him “Personal NodeRed Users” permission.

Thank you,

That is not possible

“noderedadmins” controls who can login and edit any workflow on all nodereds
“{myname}noderedadmins” controls who can login and edit workflow on {myname}'s nodered
“personal nodered users” controls who can see the nodered menu item and create new nodered instances

NodeRed instances created in one login cannot be shared with others. Is my understanding correct?

Thank you,
Rajesh P. N.

Yes, they can. That is what “{myname}noderedadmins” is for

Hi @Allan_Zimmermann ,

I have assigned them in this role “{myname}noderedadmins”, they have also logged out and logged in back. Still they can’t see the NodeRed menu.

Thank you,

No,it gives access to the nodered. If you want the link you need to add the user to “personal nodered users”

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In that case, should they access the shared nodered instance by directly entering the nodered instance url?

Yes, that is correct

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