NODE-RED is not shown in the OpenFlow as well as in the Open RPA application

NODE-RED is not shown in the OpenFlow as well as in the Open RPA application.How to enable this feature??

NodeRed was a “personal” thing before.
one use = one NodeRED.
Now, NodeRED are independent of a single user.

NodeRED is now handled by the agent system, you can run custom code, custom docker images and manage that from openfow. NodeRed is simply an agent running a NodeRED package now

  • For that reason, it makes no sense to have a nodered link in OpenRPA, it does not know what agent to link to. ( the url is not longer a username of a single user )
  • You go to agents, click “add agent” and select the NodeRED image. When adding a NEW agent, this will pre fill out example of the environment variables needed to start a nodered instance.

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