Node-Red Agent not returning values to OpenRPA on successive calls

When I saw your (Visio?) drawing, I instantly had a flashback, and I now see you were the one talking about using a different load balancer for SSL termination than Traefik.

I have not tested that, so I really do not like supporting that over the forum.

  1. Can traffic flow both ways? Can you save a workflow, make sure you can see it under robot workflows in OpenFlow, then close OpenRPA, delete the .db file, and start OpenRPA. Do you still see the workflow in OpenRPA?
  2. If yes, then I would assume traffic is working both ways. Next, let’s check events and the queue. If you go to robot workflows in OpenFlow and click the workflow, make sure the robot is selected in the dropdown list, then click the play button. Does the workflow run?
  3. If yes, then nothing seems to be blocking messages initiated by the OpenFlow server. So, we confirmed the robot could successfully register its queue, you could add a message to the queue, and OpenFlow could see the messages in the queue for the robot, and it could successfully notify OpenRPA about the message.

And after writing all the above, it hit me…
Did you run Node-RED and OpenRPA as the same user? If not, go to the “mq” collection and make sure the OpenRPA user can see the queue for the workflow in Node-RED, and go to “users” collection and open the OpenRPA user and make sure the Node-RED user has invoke and update permission on the OpenRPA user. And just to be safe, restart OpenFlow after that to avoid caching issues.