Need to click on "Registra"

I’m trying to click on “Registra”, in the screenshot below but I cant, I’m using IndexParent on Registra Parent but it doesnt work. Here is my code on get element windows:
“filename”: “C:\Totvs\Hoteis\ContasaReceber.exe”,
“processname”: “ContasaReceber”,
“arguments”: " ",
“Selector”: “Windows”,
“search_descendants”: “True”
“Name”: “Contas a Receber v12.01.2204.06”,
“ClassName”: “TFrmPrincipal”,
“ControlType”: “Window”
“ClassName”: “#32768”,
“ControlType”: “Menu”
“ControlType”: “MenuItem”,
“IndexInParent”: “0”

Here is the print
How can I handle this?

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