Log_file_level_minimum levels

For log_file_level_minimum what are categories for each log level?So that we can Log only information we want.

0 and 6

//public static readonly NLog.LogLevel Trace = new NLog.LogLevel("Trace", 0);
//public static readonly NLog.LogLevel Debug = new NLog.LogLevel("Debug", 1);
//public static readonly NLog.LogLevel Info = new NLog.LogLevel("Info", 2);
//public static readonly NLog.LogLevel Warn = new NLog.LogLevel("Warn", 3);
//public static readonly NLog.LogLevel Error = new NLog.LogLevel("Error", 4);
//public static readonly NLog.LogLevel Fatal = new NLog.LogLevel("Fatal", 5);
//public static readonly NLog.LogLevel Off = new NLog.LogLevel("Off", 6);

from here

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