I have an OpenFlow docker instance installed on a VM that have been running for a few years.
I created a user through the web interface and then created a node-red instance (a few years back). This node-red instance is not starting up from this morning and when I check the logs (sudo docker logs -n=100 [containername]) it says that the jwt token expired for this instance:
I know how to regenerate the JWT token for a remote node-red install (remove from .env file and rerun install commands), but this happens on the main server where OpenFlow is installed.
I did log into the web portal and clicked on save and create again, but all of these commands generate the same error. There is no information displayed about the node-red instance in the web portal.
I just need some guidance as to how to resolve this issue for a node-red container that is running on the OpenFlow server (generated via the OpenFlow web portal).
All of the other node-red instances is still running and I’m able to generate new node-red instances without any errors.
so is both openflow and nodered running using pm2 ?
The process should be the same no matter where it runs. So sounds like your not editing the correct env file
I’m a little rusty in the pm2 setup, been a while since i’ve seen one.
But to be 100% sure, you could try stopping pm2 while updating the env file, if you are 100% sure it’s the correct env file you are updating ?
Therefore, I’m unsure where to get the .env file for a docker container created in the OpenFlow web portal and not via pm2?
I have no problem creating a new user, but I would like to get the node-red config file for this docker container as there were a lot of flows in this node-red instance that are not accessible at this stage.
So basically I need assistance in getting the .env or node-red config files for a docker container created from the OpenFlow web portal as I’m not sure where to get this.
then just click stop NodeRed ( the big red button )
Once it’s gone, click ensure/create nodered
this will inject a new JWT token as an envoriment variable to the instance