Issue Finding XPath in OpenRPA Tool

Hi @Allan_Zimmermann ,

I am currently working on a web automation project and facing difficulties locating the XPath of certain elements using TruePath, SelectorsHub, and ChroPath extensions. Here’s what I encountered:


  • TruePath: The XPath field is empty.

  • ChroPath: It shows, “This element might be inside an iframe from a different src. Currently, ChroPath doesn’t support such elements.”


  • SelectorsHub: It says, “This element is inside Shadow DOM and for such elements, XPath won’t support.”


Could you guide me on how to handle these scenarios? Any tips on accessing elements inside Shadow DOM or iframes would be greatly appreciated.

Ashok S

So OpenRPA can see most things in iframes, but I never managed to find a reliable way of knowing the exact location of those elements on the screen; therefore, officially OpenRPA does not support it. However, it DOES work, as long as you are only doing virtual clicks and using “assign” to insert values. So, see if you can find the element you need using the selector window (or simply by recording).

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