I cannot for the life of me see why this would happen.
So the “latest” image that was supposed to be version 1.5.3-19 was broken. Funny enough, using 1.5.3-19 as tag worked.
I always test by using version number tags since you cannot always be sure what version you are on, when using :edge or :latest tag. that is why i never caught it.
Anyway, to ensure everything works, i have now pushed a new image.
First stop all agents.
Then stop and remove openiap
docker compose down
# or
# or whatever you are using in your setup
now we purge the docker cache
docker system prune -af
start openiap again
docker compose up -d
# or
# or whatever you are using in your setup
# and then pull the images to avoid the "image not found" error
docker pull openiap/noderedagent
docker pull openiap/nodeagent