Hi @Allan_Zimmermann ,
I am not able to setup nodered. i think the issue is the nodered agent is not getting registered into same project. Please help , i need to setup asap for client .
Hi @Allan_Zimmermann ,
I am not able to setup nodered. i think the issue is the nodered agent is not getting registered into same project. Please help , i need to setup asap for client .
this looks like the samme isue repported here
Can you supply the same information ? ( look at console output of nodered package to see if there is any errors ? NOT the cannot convert undefined or null to object
message, that is irrelevant to the issue )
Hii I am also facing the same issue.
I have setup the whole thing, but nodered agent is giving this error.
that is 3 people with this issue now.
I’m working on one person’s setup that is failing, to is trying and figure out why this is happening ( and why i cannot reproduce it myself )
I will post here, when i find the solution
Thanks for your response.
Looking forward for the fix.
I cannot for the life of me see why this would happen.
So the “latest” image that was supposed to be version 1.5.3-19 was broken. Funny enough, using 1.5.3-19 as tag worked.
I always test by using version number tags since you cannot always be sure what version you are on, when using :edge or :latest tag. that is why i never caught it.
Anyway, to ensure everything works, i have now pushed a new image.
First stop all agents.
Then stop and remove openiap
docker compose down
# or
# or whatever you are using in your setup
now we purge the docker cache
docker system prune -af
start openiap again
docker compose up -d
# or
# or whatever you are using in your setup
# and then pull the images to avoid the "image not found" error
docker pull openiap/noderedagent
docker pull openiap/nodeagent
Try going to Entities, select config collection, and look for Base configuration or any object with _type config
Is there more than one? Then find the “best” one and delete the rest. There should only be one
Done that. But still not. I have tried multiple times.
I have tried with latest tag images and as you told to use previous tag.
Still I am not able to get it running.
if you can get me ssh access to the machine and an admin login to the openflow, i don’t mind having a quick look
Can you pls provide me your email so that I can share details over there.
you can send it here info@openiap.io
Kindly Check Mail. I have shared the details.
Thanks for your support.
Took forever to get access to a machine that can run teamviewer
But multiple times when testing your server was down
I suspect this is not a server, but a client computer ?
It’s down again now …
Actually, We are on different time zones. So, can you please tell me a particular time when you are available so that I can provide proper access. It would be much appreciated.
it’s still offline.
you can see my free times here.