I have problems with the recorder when I try to get in into login page

Hi, everyone.
My name is Miguel, and this is my first time using OpenRPA,
The problem I’m having goes like this, when I try to record a login page, to add in it the variables with the username and password, The recorder didn’t recognize very well the tables that are part of the web page, and when I try to select the user option, for example, it ends up choosing anywhere in the table except the one I’m looking for.
I upload an image of the error that appear on the workflow where the “get table login” option its empty and with an error.
Does anyone have any clue as to how I can fix this problem?.
Thanks in advance.

And now I updoad another image of the login page that I try to record.
The green section is where the recorder appear at the moment where I select the username section.
When I stop the record, nothing appear on the workflow, just an error.

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You can disable table detection by going to settings → Recorder plugins → NM and disable it

Yes, if you resize the browser, there is a chance it “gets out of sync” ( or if the page is using frames )

Thank you very much Allan, This worked perfectly.

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