How to send a string to a workflow using Node-red?

i need to send diferent messages to a same point using a trigger, so i thought about using node red to do it. I want to use a single python code to send and the message is set directly on Node-red choosing what message i want to send.
how can i send a string with the message via node-red to the workflow on my OpenRpa?

you really should be using work items for something like this

but to answer your questions, you can add argument’s to an openrpa workflow, and then use that to decide what python code to run.
If you do a lot of python, you can run “real” python code using the nodeagent, you should consider using packages and agent’s to handle python code and execution instead.
More about agent’s and how you can publish python code here.

thanks Allan, i tried to use workitems but i didnt found the documentation, it will help.
And actually i want to use Node-red + OpenRPA as an interface to lauch and schedule python codes on linux. I created a controler and im using node-red to lauch and schedule and openrpa run the messanger script telling the linux script which script it needs to run. I thought about sending a string with the name of the script using kafka and create a singlel code changing only the string value on node-red instead of create a code for every script. Using Node-RPA interface is way faster than developping my own.

  1. I just sent you the documentation, what do you think is missing ?
  2. openrpa is windows only. You need to use an agent to run python scripts on linux/macos
  3. No need to use kafka, openflow does exactly the same except you can write code in more than 7 languages not only java.

actually nothing is missing and i didnt know i could use agents on linux, only on windows.
i´ll try it

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