How to export as .pdf from chrome?

I am having a lot of difficulty to create a simple robot to export as .pdf from chrome.

Can anyone point me out how to solve it?

I tried to follow the tutorial on
but could not make it work.

Problem is, the print dialog is a windows element and cannot be controlled by the extension, so you need to use windows get element.
Kind of like here

I tried that.

Step 1. Use to get the click action on the to access Chrome menu.
This step works

Step 2. Use to get the click action on the in Chrome menu.
This step does not work because when I need to click on the 3 dots AND then on the Print menu.

I tried to use get Selector on OpenRPA, then go to Chrome, then click three dots, then click Print menu.
But the OpenRPA selector returns after I click on the 3 dots.

I also tried to click on the Chrome 3 dots, then go to OpenRPA to use the selector.
But when I do that, Chrome closes the 3 dots menu.

I also tried to send CRTL + P keys, as this invokes the print menu, but could not make it work.

Solved the issue.


  1. Type Text “{LCONTROL down}{KEY_P down}{LCONTROL up}{KEY_P up}”
    to access the print menu

  2. Use a Delay of 00:00:01
    to allow time for the print menu to appear

  3. Type Text “{enter}”
    to print
    Note: this will use the default printer.

  4. Use a Delay of 00:00:01
    to allow time for the save file to appear

  5. Get element to access the file name

  6. Type Text “{enter}”
    to actually save the file


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