_hist collections cleanup


On our own hosted sollution of OpenIAP stack, we have to routinely deal with storage from the added up from the _hist collections pilling up over time.

Is there a way to configurate an automatic cleanup/expiry date or something alike?

I admit we are using a quite old version of the product (1~ yr), so variable names and whatnot can quite not be the same but any tip for me to look within the code is more than appreciated.

Thank you for your time.

if you don’t want history, simply add the collection(s) as a comma seperated list to “skip_history_collections” envoriment variable.
If you want keep hist but only for a certain number of days you can add a index with a TTL just be carefull to add it on the right collection or make a backup before playing with those.


I wasn’t aware about MongoDB’s indexes-ttl.

Your answer was spot-on!

Thank you Allan.

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