Get Error in nodered flow when running code from another user

Hi Allan ,
I need a little bit help from you. As per our previous discussion i have created a automation with user “Vivek” and then create a new user in Openflow with “Testbot01” and share flow with him. There is an api flow in my nodered i also give nodered flow permission to this user and also verify in the “Testbot01” openflow and i saw nodered flows. but when i run the automation from “testbot01” then i get this error : -

server error: {“message”:“[TestBot1] Unknown queue asanaticketclose or access denied, missing read permission on queue object”,“error”:“[TestBot1] Unknown queue asanaticketclose or access denied, missing read permission on queue object”}

you need to add testbot1 to the queue
Go to entities → select mq collection and edit asanaticketclose

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As always Thank you so much allan for your quick support.

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