Get element Download Bar in chrome

Hi @Allan_Zimmermann ,

how to close a chrome Download Bar in workflow after download a file , because openrpa can’t get web element when this bar appear.


Wrap the activities that trigger a download in a “Wait for download” activity

Thank you for your reply ,

I make a web get element and it work correctly

but when the downlaod bar appear , the click action lost the button element: (i make a virtual click = False to show the cursor)

When i close manually the bar , it work .

i think this bar disturbed the position of the cursor

When a download bar is in the web page , the cursor go to red zone.

if i close manually this bar it go to green zone (when running openrpa)

So , i want an activity to close this bar in workflow.

Use wait for download, then there is no bar

Hello ,
I make an example with wait for downlaod
the problem is when a downlaod bar appear , he hide the link to be clicked.
i was foced to scrol down the page.
how do i autoamte this ?

It solved :wink:
thank you @Allan_Zimmermann

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