Hi everyone,
I have tried to set up agents.
I installed the extension and used the ‘initialize project…’ command. Then i connected to my OpenFlow, by selecting protocol: https and then providing the link to my OpenFlow.
I then logged in by pressing enter twice, and it linked to my OpenFlow and created an agent that I could see in the Agent tab in OpenFlow.
This all seemed to work with no issues.
However, when I try to run the ‘Pack and publish…’-command I get this error:
c:\Users\sgj\Deploy\pythonProjects\AgentDemo\AgentDemo-0.0.7.tgz + " does not exist
I notice that this part of the error message:
is the path to the project folder:
While this part:
corresponds to the name variable set in the package.json.
The full package.json code is here:
"name": "AgentDemo",
"version": "0.0.7",
"description": "Example agent, please change",
"main": "main.py",
"openiap": {
"daemon": false,
"chromium": false,
"language": "python"
This is my first time trying agents, so unfortunately I am not sure what is causing this or if I am doing it incorrectly. If anyone has any tips or solutions feel free to reply