Executable for RPA

Hi @Allan_Zimmermann, I made a few contributions to Rpa source code, i want to generate the executable properly and install on my windows machine to test. what is the recommended approach

Here’s the overview of building OpenRPA from source:

(although personally I use Visual Studio instead of VS Code, but both work, and it’s more of a preference)

EDIT: VS/VS Code → I got things mixed out, ignore that. OpenRPA works only with Visual Studio.

I have never tried using vs.code only visual studio for OpenRPA … and i only use vs code for everything else.

I don’t see any Pull Requests, so I’m not sure what the question is ?
Did you make contributions that has already been implemented in OpenRPA ? or do you mean you made them locally but did not submit them to github yet ?

i made some custom modification, so i want to compile it to an installer and test it properly before pushing

you can just copy the dist folder, if you want to test on other machines.

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