Excel add new row

Hello there.

I’d like to add a new row on my excel every time that a workflow finished. Will be to be like a log.

For the first column I’d like to get a variable that I created before.


I try this workflow below, but didn’t work

Can you Help Me Please?

Read Excel will create a datatable and add the data from the file to the datatable.
So if you create a datatable with the same variable, your read excel has no function?
You also try to add only one column with the name from row(0) and then add one entry with the same value… that is not two columns as in your first screenshot… again, if the read excel is reading the file you want to write to, then do not create a new data table, add to the table you get from read excel.
You are using row, so I suspect you are inside some kind of loop. It will be very inefficient to keep writing to the same file at every loop; you should read the existing file outside the loop, add rows inside the loop, and then write the result after the loop. If you are worried about errors during the loop, you can wrap the loop in a try catch activity.

You can see examples on how to work with datatables here

and here examples-files/database-examples at master · open-rpa/examples-files · GitHub

Hello, thanks for your answer Allan.

Sorry I didn’t explain the first part of my workflow.

1- I start the workflow reading a Google Excel, and get all the rows and the data from A and P columns as a loop.

I’ve use foreaechDataRow for to do a loop.

2- After that I login a system and insert the Activity ID and the P column (status task)

The problem is that the system website is very slow and bug a lot and some times that I run the workflow I need to restart all the workflow.

I’ll get 600 rows in the excel file in the future.

So I need to create a log to know which row my workflow finished and witch work not was run.

I have two ideias.

The first one is to create a column indicating which row have finished.

But for this ideia I think I need to create a filter every time I run the workflow to not get the row with the word Yes at column R and just get the empty R row

The second ideia is to create a new excel file and use as a log. After that I will delete the rows that finished combine with other automation.

What solution do you think is best for me to ensure that my automation has gone through all the lines and if it got stuck, to know which line it got stuck on?


  • Sounds like you did the right thing then ( saving for each row )
  • The easiest, would be to add a column, and then use a filter. It’s been a while since i last tried it, but i believe you need to create a tableview to make that work. So read before loop, add column of missing, create filter and loop over the filter, (these is a property for views on foreach data row ), then update the row and save at the end

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