I attempted to use the Invoke Code activity in my workflow to run the following Python script:
import pandas as pd
# Read the Excel file
df = pd.read_excel(profiles)
# Function to check and append '/' at the end if not present
def append_slash(link):
if not link.endswith('/'):
return link + '/'
return link
# Apply the function to the 'Link' column
df['Link'] = df['Link'].apply(append_slash)
# Save the updated dataframe back to the Excel file or a new one
df.to_excel(profiles_updated, index=False)
print("Links have been updated successfully.")
However, I encountered the following error:
Missing optional dependency ‘openpyxl’. Use pip or conda to install openpyxl.
I have tried various solutions from similar discussions and other sources, but none have worked so far. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Try and install using “normal” pip install, folder my be different depending on shat version of openrpa you have. Do you get any error when installing from command line?
There has been a few versions of openrpa where we swapped between 3.11 and 3.7 … is openrpa using the 3.7 folder maybe ? f you have 2 folder, try removing all of them and restart openrpa and then re-do the pip install in the folder that get’s created