Error after moving custom dlls in extensions folder

@Allan_Zimmermann, after successfully copy paste of these dll files under extension folder it gave error in execution when we work with related (imported Dll) activities.
For your reference I’m attaching error photo here.

ERROR: Could not load type ‘System.Resources.NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute’ from assembly ‘System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a’.

Not sure, but my best guess is your dll is targeting a .net framework higher than openrpa ( 4.6.2 )

@Allan_Zimmermann How can i resolve this problem?

I don’t know. You have not provide any way i can reproduce the issue and the error is not giving any meaning full information about what you did

I downloaded Gsuite package from uipath market place and copied all the dll from this package into the extension folder of OpenRPA so all the Gsuite activities are visible in OpenRPA toolbox.
But at the time of execution it will give above error.

you can check from above image, i’m trying to execute this sequence.

That will not work, There is a bunch of problems with that/those dlls.
First issue is when you download the nuget you won’t get all the dependencies, you need to install properly using package manager if it has dependencies.
So by adding to C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\NuGet\NuGet.Config you can install it, but this package was design for uipath only, so it will fail over a ton of missing dll’s like UiPath.Activities.Contracts …
I found that at in UiPath.CV.Activities after adding to NuGet.Config
but they removed the specific version it needs. You normally solve that with dll redirection, but i will never add those for uipath dll’s but since i was wasting time on this anyway, i created a AssemblyResolve in my local OpenRPA to load any version, and now the activities work … except the developers at uipath changed the designer for changing properties, so now all properties are “readonly” ( trying to load something that does not exists, since it’s not running inside uipath studio ) I can copy and paste between uipath and OpenRPA to edit the properties, but assume most people will get annoyed by having to edit everything from within uipath.

So to sum up … you need to find a proper activity dll not some dlls heavily infested with uipath specific things.
All the options in that packages is also available in NodeRED
I Also see uipath used google provided assemblies, so someone could probery also just make a more clean version ( i would at a price. Right now i don’t see a need, when we already can do the same from NodeRED )

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