OpenRPA version: 1.4.57
OpenFlow version: not relevant
Using or self hosted openflow:
Error message: none
Screenshot or video:
Attach a simple workflow from OpenRPA or NodeRED that reproduces the error/issue:
If I’m understanding above correctly, the embedded python, as in this in settings:
"Script_use_embedded_python": true,
Should be the default “safe” option.
On my win11 machine I’m getting quite different results though:
On 1.4.54:
When not using embedded →
15:31:15.5423|ERROR|System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'python37': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
at Python.Runtime.Runtime.Py_SetPythonHome(IntPtr home)
at OpenRPA.Script.PythonUtil.Setup.SetPythonPath(String path, Boolean init)
15:31:15.5423|ERROR|System.Exception: Python version not supported: 311
at OpenRPA.Script.PythonUtil.Setup.Run(String[] modules)
at OpenRPA.Script.Plugin.Initialize(IOpenRPAClient client)
Running a workflow with InvokeCode(python) → same error.
When using embedded:
No error, running works fine.
On though:
When not using embedded →
15:39:33.0873|ERROR|Python.Runtime.BadPythonDllException: Runtime.PythonDLL was not set or does not point to a supported Python runtime DLL. See ---> System.MissingMethodException: Failed to load symbol Py_IncRef. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The specified procedure could not be found
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Python.Runtime.Platform.WindowsLoader.GetFunction(IntPtr hModule, String procedureName)
at Python.Runtime.Runtime.Delegates.GetFunctionByName(String functionName, IntPtr libraryHandle)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Python.Runtime.Runtime.TryUsingDll[T](Func`1 op)
at OpenRPA.Script.PythonUtil.Setup.SetPythonPath(String path, Boolean init)
15:39:33.0873|ERROR|System.Exception: Python version not supported: 311
at OpenRPA.Script.PythonUtil.Setup.Run(String[] modules)
at OpenRPA.Script.Plugin.Initialize(IOpenRPAClient client)
Running a workflow with InvokeCode(python) fails the workflow, but OpenRPA works fine after that.
When using embedded python on 1.47.1 →
Complete process crash, no error, nothing in logs, nothing in event viewer.
Checked with downgrading Python.Included
to (the one used in 1.4.54) and it works just fine.
Uninstalled python explicitly, nothing changed (but now I don’t have python ).
Checked %PATH%'s, and a couple googled answers, and can’t find a fix (admittedly I’m not that into python, so no surprise here).
Personally I don’t really care that much about it, but the fact that the default is embedded_python and it crashes silently on start worries me.