Check if OpenRPA is open

is it possible to check from some properties in the OpenFlow collections if a user has OpenRPA open.
for some reason we experience that OpenRPA can be closed and is not opening on its own. so i wonder if it is possible to query the openflow database for such information. i think that i could use the property “lastseen” from user collection. but would there be a better approach?

Lastseen, or _rpaheartbeat

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oh, interesting i did not see the property “_heartbeat” or “_rpaheartbeat” how do they all differ. are there any documentaiton i have missed on these properties?

the idea was to keep track on the different ypes of clients a user would be using and know if/when they had used them
but after implementing it, i kind of regret’ed adding this. I want a one to many relation ship with the different type of clients and i would like to allow a diverse set of clients, so hardcoding the client types in openflow is not good long term

But since i already added the first 4-5 types, I don’t intent on removing those anytime soon.
There is a custom command ( [getclients]( ) that will send you all clients currently connected, that might work better for you ( used here ).
But custom-command commands is my “beta testing” aera, it’s where i add stuff before i know if it’s needed and/or what parameters and return values it need, so this might change a little over time, until it’s moved in as a permanent command in the api.

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i see, thank you for sharing. that would indeed be a very suitable solution, but we are not on the beta, however it does sound interesting.

speaking of features to look into. i think it could be useful to have a way of grouping workitem queues together to easier manage the list of workitem queues to provide a better overview of the workitems.

also is it a known issue that selecting a specific workitem queue is not always being reflected in the workitems displayed. it seems to happen quite a lot however refreshing the browser does fix it.

Its in your version too, that is where the clients menu item is getting data from, im just telling you it might change at some time

I tried using the command getclients from NodeRED. but the output i get doesnt show users with an active OpenRPA session overall i’m not really sure what to make of the output. i never used the custom node before so i’m not quite sure how i use the function.

I went with a different approach using the _rpaheartbeat

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