Change timezone of openflow

How to change timezone in openflow . Because of timezone difference of last seen user last. Last seens is coming in minus even though user is active

Here is how it was suppose to work:

you set timezone on your local machine.
openflow saves all date’s in UTC format
the browser converts all dates it see into local timezone

In the above the dates are in the future, that makes no sense for “lastseen”.
Could you please go to entitites->select users → select on of those that has -19795s → select show json → and please look at the lastseen field … what is the value ? is it in UTC or does it contain a timezone ( after the Z )
and when you are looking, does the datatime match where you are now, or is it the correct UTC datatime ? ( comparr with this )

Here is the last seen in the entities.I dont see timezone value.
FYI: I am using on prem openflow verion:1.4.34

that is not really helpfull. You need to compare lastseen with UTC and say if it’s wrong or not. If it’s just say’s “Z” that means it’s UTC.
if the data in the database is correct, then either the website has a bug or the computer you are sitting at, has the wrong timezone and/or datetime.

but if you are on 1.4.xx you are way way way behind on any supported version of openflow, so even if we did find a big, you would need to update to 1.5 … so you might as well, start by updating and see if that “fixes” the issue, if this is something you cannot accept.

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