Cannot get dotnet SDK working properly


I noticed that there were new commits to the dotnet SDK, but I cannot seem to get it to work properly. I’ve initiated the OpenIAP instance, and initialized, then packed/published to openIAP. When I run the schedule for the package, I just get a bunch of Error: in the console output. Also, is there a reference for all of the dotnet functions for use with OpenIAP?

What error are you getting ?
Does it work locally ?
what are you trying to do ?
What docker image ( name and tag ) are you using ?

there is no documentation yet, but there is an example project here, showing how to call most commands.

Thanks Allan, I just packed it within visual studio code and built it there. It built just fine, but the output was just Error: after Error: when running. I was able to generate what I needed from the example project though. Was interested in learning how to pop work items and work with the work item queues using the dotnet SDK.

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