I am picking up a button with “NM.GetElement” and it picks it up correctly. But when I run the project the button changes ID every time you reload the page and OpenRPA does not find the button.
“Selector”: “NM”,
“browser”: “chrome”,
“frame”: “-1”,
“url”: “YYY”
“xpath”: “//button[@id=\“1168485145645\”]”,
I have tried everything, but I can’t get it fixed. any ideas?
Try searching by button text?
//button[contains(text(),“Buy now”)]
I have tried what you say in several ways and I can’t get it to work.
OpenRPA returns the following error:
“stack”: “Error: Failed to execute ‘evaluate’ on ‘Document’: The string ‘//button[contains(text(),"Crear la "]’ is not a valid XPath expression.\n at getelements (chrome-extension://hpnihnhlcnfejboocnckgchjdofeaphe/content.js:2715:41)\n at runtimeOnMessage (chrome-extension://hpnihnhlcnfejboocnckgchjdofeaphe/content.js:2490:26)”
The button text is: “Crear la Petición”. I thought it could fail because of the “ó” character, but it still fails, I have tried escaping the double quotes, using single quotes etc… But nothing works.
The html of the web is the following:
<button type="button" class="picto-button btn btn-md btn-primary" title="Crear la Petición " onclick="$.WizardAjax.openDialog('PHPSESSID=YYY&init_wizard=true&guid=SSS');" style="cursor: pointer; white-space: nowrap; width: auto;" id="21690167a08a54eda52" zn_id="12"><a style="white-space: nowrap;" href="#" onclick="$.WizardAjax.openDialog('PHPSESSID=YYY&init_wizard=true&guid=SSS');if (window.event != undefined) {var event=window.event;} event.cancelBubble = true;" zn_id="13">Crear la Petición</a></button>
Please post the selector in a codeblock
From the error it looks like you are missing a )
I have tried what you say in several ways and I can’t get it to work.
OpenRPA returns the following error:
[17:22:50.461][Output] Create EasyVista Ticket failed at 1.112 in 00:27.165
# {
"stack": "Error: Failed to execute 'evaluate' on 'Document': The string '//button[@titlte=contains(text(),\"Crear la Petición\"]/a' is not a valid XPath expression.\n at getelements (chrome-extension://hpnihnhlcnfejboocnckgchjdofeaphe/content.js:2715:41)\n at runtimeOnMessage (chrome-extension://hpnihnhlcnfejboocnckgchjdofeaphe/content.js:2490:26)"
The button text is: “Crear la Petición”. I thought it could fail because of the “ó” character, but it still fails, I have tried escaping the double quotes, using single quotes etc… But nothing works.
The html of the web is the following:
type or paste code here<button type="button" class="picto-button btn btn-md btn-primary" title="Crear la Petición " onclick="$.WizardAjax.openDialog('PHPSESSID=YYY&init_wizard=true&guid=SSS');" style="cursor: pointer; white-space: nowrap; width: auto;" id="21690167a08a54eda52" zn_id="12"><a style="white-space: nowrap;" href="#" onclick="$.WizardAjax.openDialog('PHPSESSID=YYY&init_wizard=true&guid=SSS');if (window.event != undefined) {var event=window.event;} event.cancelBubble = true;" zn_id="13">Crear la Petición</a></button>
OpenRPA Selector:
"Selector": "NM",
"browser": "chrome",
"frame": "-1",
"url": "https://AAA/index.php?mnRoot=2%2F2%2F0&eventName=HelpDesk_NewRequestFullfilmentItem&q2_tree_id=7764&q2_value_selected=UmVkZXM%3D&q2_treetable=7&q2_clickfield=1&q2_cnt=1&OnChangeFilter=false&PHPSESSID=YYY&forcerefresh=true&dontaskdynamicfilter=1&internalurltime=1738599998&clickpage=1"
"xpath": "//button[contains(text(),\"Crear la Petición\"]/a"
sorry I posted an error from one of the tests I did, the error I get when I test what you said is this:
[17:30:22.678][Output] Create EasyVista Ticket failed at 1.112 in 00:24.829
# {
"stack": "Error: Failed to execute 'evaluate' on 'Document': The string '//button[contains(text(),\"Crear la Petición\"]/a' is not a valid XPath expression.\n at getelements (chrome-extension://hpnihnhlcnfejboocnckgchjdofeaphe/content.js:2715:41)\n at runtimeOnMessage (chrome-extension://hpnihnhlcnfejboocnckgchjdofeaphe/content.js:2490:26)"
The error is the same, only the string changes.
yes, you are missing a )
"xpath": "//button[contains(text(),\"Crear la Petición\"]/a"
should be
"xpath": "//button[contains(text(),\"Crear la Petición\")]/a"
Thank you very much for the help, I am just starting and I do not master this type of programs nor Visual Basic.
I solved it with the following selector:
"xpath": "//a[contains(text(),\"Crear la Petición\")]"