I’ve searched a bit but didn’t find anything too useful.
How can we automate the control/management of Agents?
In particular, I’m interested in log monitoring/rerouting, starting, stopping, and restarting agents based on dotnet6 image, but I guess the options would apply to most of them.
I’m hoping this would be feasible from OpenFlow/NodeRed, and not necessarily directly from the openflow host.
When it’s ready
I’m happy to test experimental features, so that’s fine for some time.
So if this will be in the clients, will it effectively be agents monitoring agents?
I’m trying to wrap my head around on how this could be used outside of agents, so they don’t rely on self-monitoring only.
Unless this will also be invokeable from nodered, in which case it would seem to be a proven solution to monitor that (so far we haven’t needed to restart that even once, so I feel “totally safe” (famous last words? ) to put the monitoring logic there).
So i use open telemetry to monitor agents and packages on the agents.
This is what you get access too when you have the open telemetry collector and grafana running with openflow. And this is also how i collect anonymous statistics.
Not everyone will expose their open telemetry collector on the internet, but if they do, agents running outside docker/kubernetes can also send performance data and span’s to it, and then you have a central place to monitor both openflow and all agents and all of your custom packages.
I got most of it working, but I’m still struggling with the code, that will make it able to send data to multiple otel collectors.