About Running package as an Agent , anyone help me! thanks!

During creating agent from package, what would openflow to do ? docker pull ?whick images it would pull from registry.hub.docker.com ?
if i depoly openflow on self-host platform, and cannot connect to the above url , what’s the suggestion? thanks !

I don’t want to offer support over the forum for it.
But on GitHub - open-rpa/docker there is an example on how you can run openflow completely off the internet.
It’s not easy, and let me repeat, i do not want to support it, over the forum.

  • But basically you create either two docker installations, and run an image repository on the first on, and point’s the second one to the first. Or ( and that is what I’m showing in the docker repo ) you run a docker repository on the same docker install, that you run openflow on ( there is a bunch of things that can go wrong this way, but is was easier to show )
  • Then you seed/load all the needed images into the repository ( the list is not complete, it is missing all the agent images, since this was created before 1.5 )
  • Then you start an instance of verdaccio, to cache all the npm packages that is needed, and start openflow and nodered. Force loading any packages that you would need offline, then stop everything
  • Pull the plug, so you are no longer on the internet, then start everything and note everything that is wrong. Fix the problem, repeat the process and test again, until you have everything you need offline.

I’m truly grateful for your help.

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