Need vervose log for short code on version 1.4

I need add “m.Properties.Name.Value” to “Log.SelectorVerbose” at “WindowsSelectorItem.cs”

Log.SelectorVerbose(p.Name + " mismatch '" + v + "' / '" + p.Value + "'" + " / '" + m.Properties.Name.Value + "'");

Because Short selector has been supported since OpenRPA version 1.4.
Only the first element is searched when the application has the same Properties at runtime.
So, I edit selector direct.
Maybe it’s a bug, but in the meantime, I’d like to see the information in the log to make it easier to create workflows.

2023-01-27 075239

NOT work selector is below at runtime. but can highlight at “Open Selector” window.

    "filename": "%ProgramFiles%\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe",
    "processname": "chrome",
    "arguments": "",
    "Selector": "Windows",
    "search_descendants": "True",
    "mouse_over_search": "False"
    "ClassName": "Chrome_WidgetWin_1",
    "Name": " - Network Error - Google Chrome - Naoki (user 1)",
    "ControlType": "Pane",
    "FrameworkId": "Win32"
    "Name": "ユーザー名",
    "ControlType": "Edit"

Work selector is below at runtime.

    "Name": "ログイン",

When config “Windows_create_short_selector” to set “false”, full selector is below.

    "filename": "%ProgramFiles%\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe",
    "processname": "chrome",
    "arguments": null,
    "Selector": "Windows",
    "search_descendants": "True",
    "mouse_over_search": "False"
    "ClassName": "Chrome_WidgetWin_1",
    "Name": " - Network Error - Google Chrome - Naoki (user 1)",
    "ControlType": "Pane",
    "FrameworkId": "Win32"
    "Name": "ログイン"
    "ControlType": "Pane"
    "ControlType": "Pane"
    "ControlType": "Pane"
    "ControlType": "Pane"
    "ControlType": "Pane"
    "Name": "ユーザー名",
    "ControlType": "Edit"

HI,you are more than welcome to send a pull request with an update/added log line.
Then I will merge it into the next release.

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